Work Your Way To A Happier You
We have to sacrifice a great deal of our time to build our careers, to fulfil our needs and wants before we get to enjoy our twilight years. Knowing that we may regret spending too much time working later in life, why not enjoy our time now while we are working?
That is, be a happy employee. Research shows that optimists are way more successful and productive. Below are some pointers to be a happy staff.
1. Learn to like your work. We cannot always do what we like but we can like what we do. If you don’t like your job, every molehill looks like a mountain, and you will surely agonise over it day after day. Isn’t it making your life miserable? Learn to enjoy the positive aspects of your job.
2. Learn something new. Enjoy challenges and keep your passion going. Never hesitate to step out of your comfort zones to learn something new every day. You should continue to take small little steps to improve yourself and to make your life more enriching. Refrain from making mistakes but never be too bothered if you have made one. Just pick yourself up, learn from it and simply move on.
3. Do something different. Always think of creative ideas to improve your work and work smarter. Read something that is not from your usual favourite category. You may get some refreshing ideas. Employers will generally like to keep employees who can assist to improve work flow, productivity or reduce cost.
4. Make yourself indispensible. Of course, there is a saying that no one is indispensible. Nonetheless, give your best shot in your work even if it’s a mundane task. Be prepared to be the best you can be. Be firm and show your indomitable spirit! Make it difficult for the employer to part with you or not to give you a pay rise!
5. Manage work stress. Some work stress may be inevitable, but it depends on how you manage it. Surely you can make use of it as a motivation for you to do better. It will stimulate productivity and let you explore another perspective. Beware that poor management of stress may lead to work-related illness. Thus it is always good to confide in a friend if you can. In doing so, you can get a fresh perspective and it provides you with the comforting knowledge that you are not alone in your worries. If you need a break, take it. A short break is good for you to do self-reflection and for you to recharge.
6. Keep to your commitments. Show your employer that they can depend on you. Simple commitments like arriving to work on time, meeting deadlines and returning calls are important too. Stay healthy and productive. Your employer prefers healthy and dependable employees!
7. Stay focused. A positive work ethic develops over time and with effort. Always stay on track and do what you should be doing. Learn to prioritise your work based on importance rather than urgency. Not only does good time management help keep your busy schedule in order, but it can help to increase productivity in your work. In addition, always strive to achieve a consistent level of quality in your work. The more you know what to do and when to do it, the more it makes your employer willing to hand bigger responsibilities to you.
8. Be a Chameleon. Adapt swiftly to shifting priorities no matter what the job is, even if it is outside your job description. Your employer will definitely appreciate people who can work well both independently and in a team environment, and even succeed when given multiple tasks. Of course, you do not create the feeling of you are “seeking promotion by doing every other colleague’s job”. Let your colleagues know that you are not just working with each other, but working together.
So take these easy steps to be a happy employee, after all, work is a big part of our lives, so we might as well enjoy it!
Sean Lim, is a happiness coach. He coaches corporations and individuals, helping them to achieve higher productivity through happiness. Sean Lim is the author of a self-help book Happiness Within Your Reach: 52 Ideas to a Happier You, an adjunct lecturer at The School of Positive Psychology, and a director in a financial advisory company.
That is, be a happy employee. Research shows that optimists are way more successful and productive. Below are some pointers to be a happy staff.
1. Learn to like your work. We cannot always do what we like but we can like what we do. If you don’t like your job, every molehill looks like a mountain, and you will surely agonise over it day after day. Isn’t it making your life miserable? Learn to enjoy the positive aspects of your job.
2. Learn something new. Enjoy challenges and keep your passion going. Never hesitate to step out of your comfort zones to learn something new every day. You should continue to take small little steps to improve yourself and to make your life more enriching. Refrain from making mistakes but never be too bothered if you have made one. Just pick yourself up, learn from it and simply move on.
3. Do something different. Always think of creative ideas to improve your work and work smarter. Read something that is not from your usual favourite category. You may get some refreshing ideas. Employers will generally like to keep employees who can assist to improve work flow, productivity or reduce cost.
4. Make yourself indispensible. Of course, there is a saying that no one is indispensible. Nonetheless, give your best shot in your work even if it’s a mundane task. Be prepared to be the best you can be. Be firm and show your indomitable spirit! Make it difficult for the employer to part with you or not to give you a pay rise!
5. Manage work stress. Some work stress may be inevitable, but it depends on how you manage it. Surely you can make use of it as a motivation for you to do better. It will stimulate productivity and let you explore another perspective. Beware that poor management of stress may lead to work-related illness. Thus it is always good to confide in a friend if you can. In doing so, you can get a fresh perspective and it provides you with the comforting knowledge that you are not alone in your worries. If you need a break, take it. A short break is good for you to do self-reflection and for you to recharge.
6. Keep to your commitments. Show your employer that they can depend on you. Simple commitments like arriving to work on time, meeting deadlines and returning calls are important too. Stay healthy and productive. Your employer prefers healthy and dependable employees!
7. Stay focused. A positive work ethic develops over time and with effort. Always stay on track and do what you should be doing. Learn to prioritise your work based on importance rather than urgency. Not only does good time management help keep your busy schedule in order, but it can help to increase productivity in your work. In addition, always strive to achieve a consistent level of quality in your work. The more you know what to do and when to do it, the more it makes your employer willing to hand bigger responsibilities to you.
8. Be a Chameleon. Adapt swiftly to shifting priorities no matter what the job is, even if it is outside your job description. Your employer will definitely appreciate people who can work well both independently and in a team environment, and even succeed when given multiple tasks. Of course, you do not create the feeling of you are “seeking promotion by doing every other colleague’s job”. Let your colleagues know that you are not just working with each other, but working together.
So take these easy steps to be a happy employee, after all, work is a big part of our lives, so we might as well enjoy it!
Sean Lim, is a happiness coach. He coaches corporations and individuals, helping them to achieve higher productivity through happiness. Sean Lim is the author of a self-help book Happiness Within Your Reach: 52 Ideas to a Happier You, an adjunct lecturer at The School of Positive Psychology, and a director in a financial advisory company.